7 Ways To Fill A Journal

Isabella Crego
3 min readJun 12, 2021

If you are reading this, chances are you have an empty journal (or two) lying around that you don’t know what to do with. It can be so hard to resist picking up a beautiful notebook every time you see one, and sometimes, they begin to pile up! Today I will be showing you ten different ways to fill up your sad, empty journals.

Daily Journal

Let’s get the most obvious one out of the way first: journaling! Daily journaling is a great way to quickly fill a journal. It is also great to keep and look back at as you get older to see what your life was like in the past. The small mundane things that you do day-to-day are things that could have huge impacts on your life later, and you may not even notice it if it wasn’t for you writing about them. It is also great to do if you have a big decision to make or if you simply have a lot of thoughts in your head. Sometimes it is best just to write things out to get them out of your head to where you can actually see them.

Studying Languages

In today’s world, we have a very global community. You can contact nearly everyone in the world within seconds from the comfort of your home. Because we do have such a large global community, it is more common for people to learn new languages. Storing everything you learn in a journal is a great way to look back at what you have learned, and to help you remember all you have learned! This is especially helpful if you are a visual or hands-on learner.

Book Notes

Keeping notes on books that you read may be more important than you realize. Summarizing chapters in a few sentences is a great way to help you remember key parts of the book, especially if you are reading it over a long period of time. It is also useful to write down new words that you encounter and their definitions, along with quotes that you like or want to remember.

Dream Journaling

Dream journaling is super interesting. You can record your dreams as soon as you wake up (which is when you remember the best), and look back at them at a later date. Along with this, you can get into dream interpretation and looking into the meanings behind why you are having which dreams. Also, writing them down helps you subconsciously remember your dreams more and more over time.

Bullet Journaling

Creating a bullet journal is a great way to plan out your day-to-day activities, while also being creative and staying true to your own style of planning. Bullet journaling has become a huge trend over the past few years, and rightfully so. The layouts that go viral are extremely satisfying and appealing to look at, which in turn convinces more people to do it.

Routine Tracking

When learning new routines, it is super useful to write them down. This gives you a reference to look back to if you ever stray from your routine. Creating a routine is essentially just creating a useful habit that you can use to positively impact your life. Writing down your new habits is a great way to reinforce them, especially when you are in the beginning stages of learning them.

Progress Journaling

When starting something new, the hardest thing can be sticking with it especially if you see no progress. Creating a progress journal is a great way to show yourself that you are making progress, and to encourage yourself to keep going to reach whatever your goals are.

Wrapping it up…

There are actually many different ways to use the old journals that you have sitting around taking up space. In fact, the ways that you use these journals can actually improve your life!

