Easy Side Hustles for Teens

Isabella Crego
4 min readJun 11, 2021

Being a teenager is by no means easy. On top of the stress from school, parents, and friends, there is also the added stress of working and making money. It is crucial for teens to start jobs when they can to save up for college or to move out of their parent’s house. But for some teens, finding a job they like can be super difficult. Today, I will be showing you different ways that teens can make money from home.

Before we begin, I will use three simple questions to judge each side hustle. Firstly, I will be asking: How much money does it take to get started? Is the startup cost worth the outcome? Next, I will ask: How sustainable is it? How long can I do this for? And three: How much time does it require?

Social media and blogging. This category includes all online media sites that you can make money on including TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, blogging, etc. Social media fame is not a great way for teens to make money. Although it is free, there is even a slim chance to begin with that you will become “famous” enough on a platform to make any money from it. Blogging, however, is a different story. There typically is a low startup cost, simply to buy a domain name, but other than that, there is virtually no cost. Blog posts have the highest ratio of advertisements compared to any other social media platform. This higher ratio plays a huge part in how many bloggers make their money. It is not much of a time commitment, as it can take less than an hour to write a simple post. It is also very sustainable, as blog post writing is something that will always be needed.

Online freelancing: f you are particularly talented at a certain skill such as songwriting, drawing, translation, or even copywriting, you can list your skills on sites such as Fiverr, Upwork, and dribbble, and it gives other people the opportunity to hire you for your skills. It can be hard to get into this market, as you need to already have a talent that you are exceptional at, and you need to be willing to share it with others. The base cost for this is super low, and can even be zero. The only thing you will need to invest a lot of is time. You also need a lot of consistent work to showcase your skills. Time is super important for selling your services online, therefore it may not be the best for teens who are very busy.

Video game coaching is something that is super new to the creative market. There is a countless number of people who want to learn how to play video games, or to become better at video games that they have already played. If you are particularly good at a certain game, you could charge people hourly rates to teach them how to play the game! The only startup costs you will need are obviously a video game console and the video game of your choice. You may also need some sort of online communication, whether this is through live calls or through streaming. Either way, this is a great option for teens who love to play video games!

There are so many websites nowadays where you can sell the old things that you don’t need anymore and easily make a profit. Selling unused items online is a great way for teens to make some extra cash by getting rid of the things that they no longer need. There are many great sites to use such as eBay, Mercari, Depop, and Poshmark. It is free on all of these sites to make an account and to start selling. There is almost no startup cost, with the only startup cost being the cost of shipping materials. The only problem with this is that it is in no way consistent and is based solely on the buyers and on what is trending.

There are so many different ways for teens to make money now in the comfort of their own rooms. Many of them have little to no startup cost and can be adjusted based on individual schedules and preferences. There has never been a better time than now to create your own income based on what works for you! Can you think of any more side hustles that are perfect for teens? Comment them down below!

